L’élégie d’Orphée (Unity)

My role(s) on this project : Game Designer, Programmer (Tools, Gameplay, VFX, Controller), Level Designer
L’élégie d’Orphée is a student video game project with alternative controller.
The game is a rewriting of Orpheus myth. At the player, your goal is to charm the emblematic antagonists of the underworld in order to set your beloved free.

Immerse yourself in Orpheus’ quest through the underworld to free his beloved. Go and meet the emblematic personalities of Greek mythology through a card game where only your eloquence will allow you to convince these antagonists to let you continue your laudable quest.

Eurydice’s fate is in your hands.

My roles
I started the project as Game Designer. After a few weeks of researchs and documentation, I began to design the mains rules and mechanics of the games. We developed some paper prototype to quickly test and modify them.
During these firsts weeks, I developed a google sheet tools to help us in the design and the balancing of our cards.

When the core gameplay where designed, then I was able to start the video game prototype developement. I started by made a Unity tool to let anyone other teammate to modify or introduce a new card in the database without any risk for the unity project.

During the rest of the developement, I has been in charge of the Gameplay Programming, Alternative Controller Programming, VFX Programming, Sound Systeme Programming, 3D assets Integration and Programmation and Core Design Balancing.
Date : May 2022
Author(s) : Comoy Lara, Segura Anthony, Chourouq Sarah, Girod Matthieu, Serrié Guilhem

Introduction Cutscene

Gameplay Video

Game Design Document